What information is required for application? We, Nantong Zhoutian United Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd., have compiled a piece of information for your reference. , A copy of the U.S. trademark application form
, A copy of the U.S. trademark drawing, with specifications ranging from & to
, The fee for applying for a U.S. trademark,
) If it has been used in the United States, it will be the basis for the application. All trademark fees, (including government fees, search fees)
) If applying for the first category trademark on the basis of intention to use, all fees (including government fees, search fees)
) If All fees for applying for a first-class trademark are based on domestic use (including government fees and search fees). If the application is based on actual prior use of the trademark, each category of goods or services must be submitted. Three samples, showing the actual use of the trademark on the goods or services, can be the same, or they can be examples of three different uses of the same trademark.
What information is required to apply for a US trademark?